Saturday, October 10, 2009

From a Tower

Thanks to giftofisolation and Benson for help with this one.

heaven just got your postcard

my dear Verona girl

we are blessed and powerless

where ever we turn we win

still this Campanile

longs for some time beside thee

Could you storm my tower

bring your bells

I am mad man bastille

Twelve residents who see your fires

we cheer inside

we cheer for you fire bringer

No, I don't know you well

but I know enough to tell you that

If you storm this tower

we'll just lay down

I do build you up


to up whipped peaks

you never claim to be

cause humans will fill

any void with their hopes and distortions

its not so bad

just to sing from a tower

I hope we don't change too much,

without checking in

but if you should

there's that to look forward to

my verona girl


and I found your black power earrings

exactly where you hid them

this too is a postcard

from a bloodless revolution

now i don't know you well

I know you just enough to tell you that

when you get back

we can be how you want


  1. I can say with 90% certainty that the lyrics below are pretty damn accurate. After listening to several different live versions of the song, you tube video as well as a couple separate explanations from Blake of the meaning of the song on a couple of those recordings. For instance on the most known "Gilman St" recording Blake talks about being excited to have been able to use "Campanini" in song. Hence the references to the Italian town of Verona. My biggest complaint is that this song was not carried over into the new band. I love most of those songs as well as other TOL songs but I would honestly put this song up against any song Blake has ever written as one of my favorites. There is one unreleased Jets to Brazil song out there called "Tender Criminal" on a live bootleg from Irving Plaza in NYC. I would say this is another amazing tune that will likely never surface. Anyways, The updated lyrics are below. Good luck with the other ones. Cheers.

    "...From a Tower"

    Heaven just got your postcard
    My dear Verona girl
    We are blessed and powerless
    Wherever we turn we win

    Still this Campanini
    Longs for some time beside thee
    Could you storm my tower,
    Bring your bells

    I am Mad man Bastille
    Twelve residents who see your fires
    We cheer inside
    Cheer for you fire bringer

    No, I don't know you well
    but I enough to tell you that
    If you storm this tower
    we'll just lay down

    I do build you up
    Two up whipped peaks
    You never claim to be

    Cause humans will fill
    any void with their hopes and distortions
    But it's not so bad
    Just to sing from a tower.

    And I hope we don't change too much
    without checking in
    But if you should
    There's that to look forward to
    My Verona girl

    And I found your black power earrings
    exactly where you hid them
    This too is a postcard
    from a bloodless revolution

    Now, I don't know you well
    I know just enough to tell you that
    when you get back
    we can be how we want.

  2. RE: comment 1

    I think you're on the mark, with only these edits:
    1. The word "campanini" should be changed to "Campanile" (AKA Sather Tower) on the UC Berkeley campus. It's definitely a tower and, per the Gilman reference to UC Berkeley, it's definitely the right tower.
    2. I hear "two up whipped peaks" as "to up-whipped peaks"; it seems a continuation of the previous phrase, suggesting just how precipitously the Verona girl has been built-up.
